From the ATHOLL STREET CAR PARK (Next to Bus stop)
Proceed to the main street and turn right. Walk along the path to the cross-roads and turn right. Follow this path to the bottom right hand corner of The Cross. The Archive is the single storey, glass fronted building.
From the TAY TERRACE CAR PARK (Next to the river)
Proceed to the main road and turn left. Find a safe place to cross the road. Proceed to the main street and turn right. Find a safe place to cross the road. Continue along the main street to the cross-roads and turn left. Find a safe place to cross the road and follow the path to the bottom right hand corner of The Cross. The Archive is the single storey, glass fronted building.

From the BUS STOP (In the North Car Park)
Proceed to the main street and turn right. Walk along the path to the cross-roads and turn right. Follow this path to the bottom right hand corner of The Cross. The Archive is the single storey, glass fronted building.

From the platform, proceed to the main exit gate and turn left. Walk through the carpark to the pedestrian underpass and turn right. Continue down this road to the main street (Perth Road) and turn left. Walk along the path to the junction next to the primary school and find a safe place to cross the road. Continue right towards the Bridge over the Tay river to the cross-roads in the centre of town and turn left. Find a safe place to cross the road and continue to the bottom right hand corner of The Cross. The Archive is the single storey, glass fronted building.

- Disabled parking available at both carparks
- Wheelchair access
- Electric Doors (34 inches/84 cm wide)
- All one ground floor level
- Digital Screen with subtitles and voiceover
- For any information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us
- Disabled toilet available in Atholl Street car park. 24 Hour access with a RADAR key. Sensor triggered lights and arm supports (NO HOIST).